Delphi to Java Conversions

       Click here to download Delphi2Java 3.0 Professional

Got a Delphi Application that you would like to convert to the Java Platform?  Let SpriteMaster convert it to 100% pure Java with Java Technology's Delphi2Java Professional Toolkit!
Although many simple Delphi applications can be converted to Java without any modifications to the Delphi source code, most will need to be modified to not use any unsupported procedures or functions before the Delphi2Java conversion program can sucessfully convert the Delphi application to Java.
Click here for Delphi2Java Delphi Compatibility Overview
Send your Delphi project source code to SpriteMaster for a free estimate of the amount of time it would take to convert it to Java.  Conversions are billed at the standard consulting hourly rate of $25 per hour.
For more information about the Delphi2Java Professional Toolkit, visit
Java Technology's Web Site