Here you will find free extra levels, as well as other resources like new MIDI, WAV, and BMP/DIB files that you can use to create your own new custom Frogg levels using the Frogg Level Editor.Here is what is currently available for download:
Here is what is currently available for download:
File Name:
New level setup program (installs as level16.lvl)
158 KB
Get it!
Artwork and MIDI only from 3d-level.exe
84 KB
UPLOAD YOUR LEVELS AND/OR RESOURCES TO SPRITEMASTER! We are looking for cool user-created levels to include in future updates. You may contribute your own custom levels and resource files to share with others by sending them to SpriteMaster Development.Here are the instructions for sending your levels or resources to SpriteMaser:
Frogg v1.2 Levels:
Click on an image to view actual size