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Payment by Credit Card or CyberCash

For our customers who prefer to pay by credit card or 'CyberCash', SpriteMaster Games has teamed up with RegisterNow to offer you VeriSign-certified secure credit card ordering of all Frogg for Windows media. RegisterNow accepts Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express credit cards, as well as CyberGold 'CyberCash'.

Here are the URLs to use to purchase Frogg for Windows by credit card using RegisterNow's secure order processing system:

Immediate Download w/ Registration Key-Code:
After your order is complete, you will immediately recieve your registration key-code and gain access to a download page where you can download the latest Frogg software.

Floppy Disk by U.S. Mail:
After your order is complete, SpriteMaster Development will send you, via the US Mail, a package containing the Frogg software on a 3.5" floppy disk and printed documentation. Please allow a minimum of 2 weeks for delivery!

CD-ROM by U.S. Mail:
After your order is complete, SpriteMaster Development will send you, via the US Mail, a package containing the Frogg software on a CD-ROM and printed documentation. Please allow a minimum of 2 weeks for delivery!

Payment by check or money order

SpriteMaster games offers three registration fulfillment options:

Delivery of the registered software via e-mail attachment to your e-mail account.  This is the cheapest option.  Send SpriteMaster Games a check or money order for $5 U.S funds.  Order Form

Here is how it works:
(a)  Visit
http://www.SpriteMaster.com and download the Frogg for Windows "30-day fully-functional trialware".  This software is fully functional for 30 days, and then will cease to function unless a valid registration key-code is entered. 

(b)  Send SpriteMaster Games a check or money order payment of $5 U.S.  You will be sent the latest Frogg software and your registration key-code via e-mail when we receive your check or money order payment of $5 U.S.

That's it!  Download and play now, pay $5 within 30 days!  You can't lose!

(2) Mail Delivery of a package containing the Frogg software on a 3.5" or 5.25" floppy disk with printed documentation.  Send SpriteMaster Games a check or money order for $7 U.S funds. 
Order Form

(3) Mail Delivery of a package containing the Frogg software on a CD-ROM with printed documentation.  Send SpriteMaster Games a check or money order for $10 U.S funds.
Order Form

Choose your registration fulfillment option and place your order today!

Send orders to:
Stephen Leslie Robinson
SpriteMaster Games
345 Creighton Drive
West Columbia SC 29172

Order Form

Registration Benefits


Registration Incentives:
(1) Uncrippled Frogg For Windows Game Engine!  (will play level1 through level999 instead if just level1 through level3.)
(2) Unlimited Froggs!
(3) Unlimited Time!
(4) A dozen more levels!
(5) No more NAG SCREENS!
(6) Free upgrades (via e-mail or download from SpriteMaster's Web Site)!

Keep an eye on the Frogg Web Site for the latest Frogg news and software updates!

Need answers fast?  Send E-mail to SpriteMaster!

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